Boost your retention rate with great English content

I can help you boost your English website’s retention rate with clear, engaging texts that really speak your readers’ language

German to English translations

Are you looking for a translator who’s intimately familiar with the German language and culture but is  also perfectly at home in English. I’ve translated thousands of texts from German to English, and deliver on-target texts that hit just the right note in English.

Dutch to English translations

You’re a company or entrepreneur in Belgium or the Netherlands and you’re looking for someone to translate your Dutch content into great English. Someone who’s well-versed in Dutch but a mother-tongue English speaker who’ll produce top-class texts that English-speakers will want to read more of. You’ve come to the right place. 

French to English translations

Looking for someone who understands the nuances of the French language and is perfectly at home in English to bring your French texts to life in English?

Proofreading English texts

Got a text that’s already in English but you need an expert English eye to check it for you? I’ll make sure that it’s free of any grammar issues, and that the text is smooth and straightforward, and gets exactly the right point across. 

English copywriting

Need a fresh new text? Are you looking for a copywriter to write texts aimed specifically at the English-speaking market or blog posts on topics that interest prospective clients in these markets? Or maybe you need someone to write social media content in English? 

Free English content audit

I’ll take a look at your website or text and assess how likely it is to appeal to English speakers. Once I’ve done this, I’ll send you a short report with the results, highlighting relevant issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your process work?

For translations, I look at the text to be translated and give you a quote, based on the word count and the level of difficulty.

If you want more than a translation, for instance a freshly written English text, or a translation with a copywritten flavor (also known as transcreation), then I’ll send you a questionnaire for you to fill out, to give me a clear idea of your needs and expectations, so that I can produce a text that’s exactly on point and I’ll send you a quote for my fee.

We agree on a deadline and I get to work on your translation, transcreation or copywriting job. Before I deliver it, I’ll have it proofread by a second English native speaker to make sure it’s as flawless as possible.


Do you handle all types of translations?

In my 13 years as a translator, I’ve worked on a variety of texts from diverse fields. Slowly, I started finding out what kinds of texts I didn’t want to take on and started narrowing down the type of work I was prepared to take on.

In recent years, I realized that my love for writing and my skill at producing informative and persuasive texts make me a perfect fit for marketing translation, transcreation and copywriting. However, my eclectic pre-translation professional background and my experience in translating a wide range of texts from different sectors serves me well in understanding the principles behind these texts that are produced for marketing purposes.

Do you also translate from English into German, Dutch or French?

Even though I speak other languages fluently, I only translate into my mother tongue, which is English. If you’re looking for someone to translate from English into those languages, I can refer you to a trusted colleague.

Does the quality of your translations differ depending on the language you're translating from?

No, it doesn’t differ. Although I speak my source languages with varying degrees of fluency, my reading comprehension level for all of them is on a par with an advanced native speaker of these languages. What’s more, when it comes to delivering marketing translations, the quality of the English produced is what makes the difference, and that’s where I shine.

What my clients say

You nailed the authors’ tone brilliantly. You also managed to differentiate perfectly between the more literary narrative and the more scientific and specialised aspects.
Thank you again for thoughtfully taking into account the customs of other countries and for doing your own research when things were unclear. We were happy to accept all your suggestions for changes.

Katrin Meisel

Editorial Assistant, Beltz Verlag, Germany

Over the past decade, Rina has consistently produced high-quality translation work both into American and British English. Her many years of experience enable her to gain mastery of any text she has been tasked to work with. She translates with fluency, shows clarity in communicating the message of the client and is concise in her renderings.

Paul Stewart

Director, Teutoniq Ltd, UK

Rina has been collaborating as a regular linguist with us since 2017. She has translated/reviewed scientific, general, technical and legal texts from French, German and Dutch into English.
We are very satisfied with the quality of her work and her commitment regarding deadlines.
We would like to highlight her professionalism, extensive experience and dedication, which allow us to recommend her with no hesitation

Estrella Ruiz

Head of Vendor Department, Seprotec Traducción e Interpretación S.L